The Madison County Republican Meeting will be held at the ILA restaurant on Thursday February 20th at 7pm..
Our local party has reserved the restaurant for a Dinner Meeting. Each party member will be responsible for the cost of their meal. The restaurant prices are very reasonable. Last meal was $15. We had 41 people in attendance at our last ILA restaurant meeting.Our Guest Speaker will be Insurance Commission Ralph Hudgens. I have received many request to invite a speaker who knows something about Obamacare. Well, our own Ralph Hudgens is the person who can answer your questions. You will have the opportunity to hear how this Law pertains to each of you.
We need at least 25 people to attend to break even when reserving the restaurant. Our Executive Committee is trying to find ways that will increase our attendance in preparation of the upcoming election cycle.I ask each of you to RSVP to me if you are joining us.Appreciate your involvement..
Bruce Azevedo